Data from different rounds will be added below during the game.
Recent Rounds
How is the data generated? At the beginning the models are parametrised based on the current data from Sweden and from Östergötland, and future trends are extrapolated based on current plans (eg: 32 new turbines planned in Östergötland expected to double energy production) and trends based on previous history (eg: growth in energy demand over previous years for all of Sweden are used to estimate the growth in demand for Östergötland).
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Round 0
Round 0 presents the data reflecting current trends.
Sankey diagram for energy production for the current year in the game.
Projected energy usage in the region:
Energy sources Projects CO2 emissions compared to the budget that we have to fullfil the climate goals:
CO2 emissions The forest plays an important role in managing CO2 emissions, as the trees grow they capture CO2 and the image below shows the CO2 captured by the growing forest.
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